MUFLL Operating Regulations and Policies


    1. Sport Playing Regulations may be amended at an Annual Meeting or a Special Meeting called for that purpose.   Any amendments of sport playing regulations are to be in the form of Notices of Motion.
    2. Motions to amend the Sport Playing Regulations must be submitted to the Commissioner two weeks prior to the appropriate General Meeting so they can be circulated to the member teams one week prior to the appropriate Special Meeting.
    3. A friendly amendment of a pending motion requires only a majority vote for its adoption.
    4. Playing Regulations may be amended by a majority vote of the member teams present. (Two votes per team.) The Chairperson shall call for a verbal declaration by team. Two representatives from a team must be in attendance for a team to cast two votes. There are no proxy votes.
    5. Approved amendments shall be incorporated into the Sport Playing Regulations immediately and for subsequent years.
    6. All amendments to the Sport Playing Regulations shall be spoken to by the mover, the seconder, or, with the prior approval of the Officers of the Executive (at least 24 hours), a designate. Failing to provide such a speaker will result in the Notice of Motion being removed from the agenda without discussion or vote.
    7. Any Notices of Motion which contravene the MUFLL Memorandum of Association and By-Laws will be ruled out of order by the MUFLL Executive Officers and be withdrawn from the floor.  



  1. The Executive Officers shall have the power to take disciplinary action against any player, bench personnel, spectator or volunteer, whose behavior is not becoming a member of the League; e.g.: foul language, stealing, destruction of equipment, as well as threats and/or verbal and/or physical abuse of any of the following: coaches, officials, directors and/or officers of the Executive.  
  2. It shall be the responsibility of the university club team to address the above listed behaviors of spectators during their home games as listed on the League schedule posted on the website.
  3. It shall be the policy of the MUFLL that there will be zero tolerance for fighting during any scheduled regular season or Championship playoff game. Any player or bench personnel penalized for fighting by the game officials will receive a game misconduct. The incident will be reported to the Commissioner and the Discipline Committee through the Suspension Coordinator and the suspension applied will be suspension from further play in the League for the balance of the current season.


All participants shall uphold, observe and conform to the Memoranda, Bylaws, Regulations and Policies of the MUFLL as well as the policies of the Athletics and Recreation Department of the Universities that they represent and attend.



  1. Fees will be set by the Treasurer and presented for approval at the annual general meeting of the League or by electronic mail by April 1st for the upcoming lacrosse season. The fee structure should be reflected in the minutes of the meeting concerned.
  2. Team fees will include the budgeted cost of year end awards, banquet, administrative costs for the operation of the League, ie. Website, banking, officiating costs (including development and evaluation when necessary) etc.   Team fees will also include any unexpected administrative costs agreed upon by the Officers of the Executive and the members.
  3. Officiating costs, including travel, will be estimated based on the previous season. These costs will be divided equally between all participating teams as part of their yearly team fees to the League. Should the cost of officials exceed the estimated amount, additional fees will be collected from all teams equally, as necessary, by October 15th of the playing season.
  4. Team fees must be paid by September 15th of each playing season.
  5. Failure to pay team fees will result in the team in question being suspended from further league regular season play until the fees are paid in full.
  6. Should team fees remain unpaid by October 1st of the playing season, the team in question will be further suspended from Championship Weekend and all voting privileges will be suspended until the fees are paid in full.
  7. Should team fees remain unpaid by the end of Championship Weekend, the team in question will remain suspended from the League until such time as the fees are paid in full and a special meeting is held to reinstate the team as a member.


  1. Gate receipts for regular season games may be used by MUFLL participating teams to offset team fees.
  2. Gate receipts for Championships Games may be used by the host school to offset reasonable operating costs.
  3. All teams must provide the Treasurer with a complete financial statement each season.
  4. The host team for Championship Weekend must provide the Treasurer with a financial statement within a month of the completion of the event. 


Championship Tournament financial support will be provided by the league using team fees budgeted for that purpose as set at the AGM. These designated fees will be paid to the school hosting the Championship Weekend to be used to cover the cost of the awards banquet, officials, balls, scorers, etc. Any entry fees collected by the host team, in excess of these operating costs as profit, may be included in the team’s annual operating budget.




  1. The Association shall award a championship trophy to the MUFFL Championship team.
  2. All championship trophy and MVP award plaque must be returned to the League through the Commissioner by the May 1st of each playing season.
  3. Individual awards will be presented, at an annual banquet, during Championship Weekend, as follows:
  1. Top Scorer (based on total points, goals plus assists)
  2. Most Valuable Player
  3. Top Senior
  4. Top Freshmen
  5. Defensemen of the Year
  6. Goalie of the Year
  7. Coach of the Year
  8. First Team All Stars (10 players)
  9. Second Team All Stars (10 players)


  1. The format to be used to select these award winners shall be:

1) The top scorer will be the top goal scorer based on regular season stats.

2) The League MVP and all top awards II. To VII. will be nominated for and voted on by all league teams. Nominations can be from their own team or from the other teams. These nominations will be compiled and re-distributed for rating purposes. Each team will rate the nominations for each award in order of top to bottom with 1 being the best player for that award. The players with the highest number of nominations and rating points will be the award winner.

3) Each team will nominate two players from their own team for each position-attack, midfielder and defensemen, as well as one goaltender per team. Each team will the be given a compiled listing of all nominated players from which each will choose six players who they feel are the top six in the league and rate them 1 through 6 with 1 being the highest rated of the 6. The ratings will be compiled and the three with the highest number of nominations and ratings total will be the first all star team and those who have the 4th to 6th highest number of nominations and ratings total will be the second all star team.



Students will be deemed eligible if they are considered full time students by definition of their university (normally, if registered for a minimum of 3 courses for credit per term). This eligibility will be for unlimited years. The only exception will be that a student may play in their graduating year with less than a 60% course load provided they are completing their degree in that school year. Such players must provide signed proof from the university confirming this status, to the Commissioner of the League. This exception can only occur once in an individual player’s career.

  1. Co-op students are considered full-time students. A graduate student writing his thesis is considered a full-time student for his first two years only.  
  2. Each player must have a valid student card that must be shown upon request. Each club shall register all players with the MUFLL Secretary by October 1st with the forms provided. Late additions will be permitted until October 15th. A copy of the team’s player list must be sent to the league Secretary.
  3. Any game sheet that lists a player that is not registered with the MUFLL Secretary, shall be deemed to have been played with an ineligible player and shall result in that game being forfeited by the offending team by a 1 - 0 loss.  
  4. If a team suspects another team of playing an ineligible player(s), that game shall still be played under protest until the Officers of the Executive are given proof that no illegal players were used by the suspected team. The consequence of playing with an illegible player will result in a 1-0 loss and may result in a team suspension from play-off competition, as determined by the Executive.   Once playoffs begin, where an ineligible player competes in a playoff game, only the most recent game in which said player competed shall be registered as a loss for that team and a win for the opponent. The team that has played the ineligible player and has registered the loss, shall not be eligible for any awards or competition at any higher championship in that sport season. The Officers of the Executive may take further disciplinary action as they deem necessary. 
  5. Any team that deliberately misrepresents information on player registrations, game sheets or other pertinent documents will face penalties as determined by the Officers of the Executive.
  6. To be eligible to compete in play-offs, a player must have competed for the school in two regular season league games. This may be appealed to the Officers of the Executive based on documented injury or illness. 
  7. Players are considered to have competed or participated should their name appear on the game sheet. 
  8. A student may only compete for the school in which he is registered, and no student may represent two member schools in one season. 



To be sanctioned by the MUFLL, teams must:

  1. Be comprised of players and members as defined in the MUFLL By-Laws, Operating Regulations & Policies. Players must meet MUFLL Player Eligibility requirements.
  2. Conform to the policies as provided by their university Athletics & Recreation Departments.
  3. c)   Provide a final financial statement for their team to the League upon the completion of each season.
  4. Be available for all scheduled playing dates.
  5. Pay all fees listed in Regulation 4.
  6. Provide a detailed report stating the availability of facilities, equipment and personnel, specifically:

1) Field, proper lining, regulation nets, scorer’s table, chairs (6), benches and pylons

2) Scoring and timing personnel with stop watches

3) Change rooms

4) A person with First Aid

5) Emergency Procedure Guidelines (to be taped to scorer’s table)

6) Non-playing Certified Coach




  1. Upon declaration by a member team of its intention to compete in MUFLL, it is assumed that the team will be available and willing to compete in all MUFLL scheduled competitions whether they are league, tournament or playoff games. These games include rescheduled games confirmed by the scheduler and posted on the MUFLL website. Failure to meet game commitments may result in sanctions against that team.
  2. A team that forfeits or defaults a scheduled game will:
    1. have the game recorded as a 1 - 0 loss

    2. pay a $100 Default Fee to the League plus pay all expenses incurred, if applicable (i.e. Referees Costs)

    3. be subject to further sanctions from the MUFLL Discipline Committee

    4. contact the MUFLL Commissioner and the Team Representative(s) of the school(s) affected, prior to the competition (where possible)

  3. There may arise exceptional conditions, which may warrant the MUFLL Executive granting an honourable release from the fulfillment of a team’s obligations. Intent to forfeit a game due to exceptional conditions must be communicated to the MUFLL Commissioner and the affected Team Representative(s) prior to the competition if possible.
  4. Any team forfeiting a regular season or playoff game, which is not dealt with under Section C exceptional conditions, will be disqualified from further competition in said playoffs and subject to further sanctions by MUFLL. 




In the event that a University would like to apply to enter the League, the following items must be provided

a) A University must apply in writing and include a statement, from their Athletic Director stating that the team has Club status for the upcoming season.

b) Also to be included in this application is a statement indicating that the University is willing to line the field to be used with the appropriate markings for Field Lacrosse.

c) The head coach must provide a letter outlining his/her current certification and lacrosse experience. Every head coach in the MUFLL requires a minimum certification of level 1. Level 1 certification must be acquired by the close of their first season coaching in the League at the latest.

d) A letter must be provided by the Member Association (for example, Lacrosse New Brunswick and Lacrosse Nova Scotia) confirming insurance coverage for the team.

e) A list of confirmed players must be provided to the League, following the strictures outlined herein. All players must be students of the University making application to enter the League.

f) All teams must vote to accept a team into the League and the vote must be unanimous with the exception of one dissenting vote.

g) MUFLL reserves the right to require additional items to confirm acceptance into the League, as they see fit.


  1. No player or coach participating in MUFLL shall officiate MUFLL games.
  2. Participating schools must provide for adequate supervision of their teams and spectators.
  3. It is unacceptable to encourage the transfer of a student(s) from one school to another for the purpose of playing Lacrosse. Violations may result in an investigation by the MUFLL Executive and possible sanctions.
  4. The date for the introduction of new teams to the league will be at the AGM of the previous playing season.
  5. Fee structures will be distributed by April 1st of a playing season, at the latest. Failure to meet fee deadlines may result in sanctions by the MUFLL Executive Committee, including the forfeiture of any games until fees are paid. 



The MUFLL Sports Playing Regulations shall be based on the ILF rulebook. These regulations may be supplemented as necessary with rule adaptations as passed by MUFLL. 


Additional Governing Rules:

  1. A game that has been ¾ played is deemed complete if play is stopped by the referee at or beyond the end of the 3rd quarter of play.
  2. Goaltenders receiving a penalty may have it served by a designated player, if a second dressed goaltender is not available. This will include all time served penalties other than expulsions.
  3. No team shall dress more than 26 players per game. If the situation arises, then the offending team will be required to remove the excess players from the bench area, or face possible sanctions from the officers of the Executive.
  4. All face-offs will be taken with the ball placed on the ground.
  5. Playoff Structure will be determined at the Annual General Meeting for the following season.
  6. All MUFLL games shall consist of four 20 minute quarters.   Intermission between quarters shall be 2, 10, and 3 minutes in length respectively.
  7. Should all teams be combined into one division for playoffs, they may be seeded for playoffs by the use of a pre-playoff poll. Each team will submit their rankings, which will be compiled, sorted and seeded by the Executive.   In the case of ties in seeding, the following factors will be considered in order:
    1. Head to Head games in current year
    2. Highest GF - GA (against teams tied in the standings)
    3. Highest GF - GA (including all season games
    4. Coin toss
  8. Any sanctions imposed by the LNSS or LNB on any player with respect to field lacrosse, shall be carried over to MUFLL (e.g. if a player is suspended from a Senior Men’s Field league, then he will also be suspended from MUFLL play until the requirements of the suspension are fulfilled).
  9. Games are not to be played with only one official, however a two man system may be used if approved by the Commissioner and with the agreement of the coaches of both teams.

14. Protocol for games tied after regulation.

  1. If a game is tied after regulation play, play will continue as follows:

1) There will be two (2) four minute overtime periods

2) Teams will alternate ends after the first period.

3) A coin toss will determine defensive ends.

4) A face-off at centre field will determine possession.

5) Teams will have one (1) timeout each for the overtime period.

6) There will be a two (2) minute break between periods.

7) The team with more goals at the end of the second overtime period will win the game.


b. If a game remains tied after the completion of Section 1., a “Sudden Death” period will be as follows:


1) There will be a two (2) minute break before play resumes.

2) There will be one (1) ten minute sudden death period.

3) A coin toss will determine defensive ends.

4) A face-off at centre field will determine possession.

5) There will be no timeouts during this period.

6) The first team to score wins the game.

c) If a game remains tied after Sudden Death, repeat Section 2. Until a winner is decided or curfew is imposed.


15. Schedules

  1. A tentative league schedule shall be prepared by the Commissioner by August 1st of each playing season.
  2. Teams will then have time to confirm dates and book their fields appropriately and adjustments may be made as necessary.
  3. A finalized schedule will be distributed and posted on the website by September 1st. If any changes are necessary once the schedule is posted, they must be approved by the League Commissioner. All changes, once confirmed by the Commissioner will be official.
  4. It is the responsibility of the individual team representatives to inform their opponents, the Referee-in-Chief and the Commissioner, by email and by phone, as soon as possible, should they be unable to field a team for a scheduled game.
  5. If a team requests reschedules for more than two games in one season, that team will face possible sanctions from the MUFLL officers of the Executive.
  6. The procedure for rescheduling a game is as follows: contact the scheduler to explain the reason that the game cannot be played, contact the other team and the league RIC to let them know as well. Find an alternate date for the game to be played through your university’s facility bookings person. Check with the other team and the league RIC to ensure their availability, then confirm the new time with the scheduler so that the website can be updated.
  7. In the case of extremely bad weather or if a field is closed, try and decide the night before the game.   Call the Commissioner and the Referee-in-Chief. It is imperative that they can contact you, so make sure that you can access messages on the weekends and check frequently. If the referees have a problem they will attempt to contact the team contact, so have a plan ready in case they do.


  1. Procedures for Appeal:


  1. MUFLL will establish a Protest and Appeal Committee, as necessary, each playing season to rule on any protest or appeal brought forward by the membership. The members of the Appeal Committee shall be composed of members of the Executive not involved in the original decision, Commissioner (Chair) and two other members in good standing as appointed by the Commissioner (also not involved in the original decision).
  2. All protests must be made in writing, through the member club team coach or student representative,to the Commissioner, accompanied by a non-refundable $50 cheque, within 48 hours of the game or receipt of written decision.
  3. All appeals shall be sent in writing, accompanied by a non-refundable $50 fee, to the Commissioner within 5 business days of the decision under appeal.
  4. The Protest and Appeal Committee will only make decisions on protests or appeals related to the MUFLL Articles, By-laws, Regulations and Policies, or on incidents that happen in games played within the MUFLL regular season and playoff schedules.
  5. The Protest and Appeal Committee will hear any appeal stemming from a decision made by the MUFLL Discipline Committee.
  6. The athlete, his coach or representative, and the Chair of the Disciplinary Hearing shall meet together with the Appeal Committee.
  7. The athlete and his coach will state the rationale for their appeal.
  8. The Chair of the Disciplinary Hearing will state the rationale for the original decision.
  9. The athlete and his coach will have an opportunity to clarify.   The Chair of the Disciplinary Hearing will have the opportunity to clarify. These two parties will be dismissed.
  10. Considering both, the decision rendered by the MUFLL Protest and Appeals Committee shall be deemed final.
  11. For competitors who are disqualified in exhibition competition, the coach shall file a report with the Commissioner. A Disciplinary Hearing may be convened at the discretion of the Commissioner.
  12. If a coach observes unsportsmanlike behaviour from a student athlete off the playing field, but within the area of competition, or spectator behaviour that interferes with the game, he may document the incident (with witnesses) and submit the report to the Commissioner within 48 hours. The Officers of the Executive will investigate the complaint upon receipt of the report.   It may then be referred to a Disciplinary Hearing, or other appropriate action may be taken. 


  1. Executive Review of Coaches Conduct:


i)     Coaches are responsible to the MUFLL for their actions while acting as a coach of an MUFLL team. In this context, “coach” shall mean any member of the bench staff in charge of, or accompanying an MUFLL team in competition.

ii)    Coaches who display unsportsmanlike conduct are open to censure from the Officers of the Executive of MUFLL.

iii)   Any official is empowered to report misconduct on the part of a coach to the Commissioner and such coach shall appear before the Officers of the Executive of the League. The complaint must be forwarded as a letter copy to the coach in question prior to any appearance before the Executive.

iv)   A referee, having dismissed a player or bench staff from a game for unsportsmanlike conduct, must notify the Commissioner of the incident within 24 hours.

v) Any game sheets with the game official’s report are to be emailed, mailed or couriered to the Commissioner within 24 hours of the contest by the home team of the contest, where the incident occurred.

ix) Decisions by the Officers of the Executive shall be based on an analysis of the facts presented at the time. Questions of clarification may be allowed at the discretion of the Chairperson.

x)   If the Officers of the Executive find that an infraction took place, they shall be empowered to take the following actions:

a)      to reprimand the coach involved in writing,

b)      to suspend the coach involved from coaching activities for a fixed period of time.

c)      to suspend the coach involved from coaching activities indefinitely, depending on the severity of the offence.

xi)    A written copy of the Officers of the Executive’s decision (with respect to sanctions only) shall be sent by the Commissioner to:

a)      send to the coach of the player or bench staff involved,

b)      send to the student representative(s) involved.


  1. Team Representatives:


Each team must have a student representative who shall:

a)    ensure that all league rules and requirements are fulfilled with regards to being a sanctioned club

b)      assist the Commissioner and the Officers of the Executive as necessary

c)      register all their players and members with MUFLL

d)    attend, or appoint other suitable team representatives to attend, all MUFLL Meetings

e)    report game information to the Commissioner as soon after the game as possible

f)        arrange proper facilities for home games

g)      inform their team members of all league rules

h)      ensure continuation of their team from year to year

i)        provide a current copy of their team constitution to MUFLL 




MUFLL Member Schools and Colours:

Acadia University Red with white

Dalhousie University     Black with gold

Mount Alison University Maroon with gold/black

St. Mary’s University                   Burgundy with white

St.Francis Xavier University White with blue

University of New Brunswick       Red with gold/blue

The colour of team uniforms must not conflict in any manner. In cases of existing conflicts in colour, the home team will be responsible to change jerseys.   Changes in team uniform colours must be approved at the AGM before the season begins. All teams are to have a matching set of shirts and a matching set of shorts, the specifications of which must conform to ILF rules. 


  1. Team Suspension:
  1. The Officers of the Executive shall have the power to suspend a member/coach/school/team from the Association membership should a member/coach/school/team knowingly and intentionally disregard the Memorandum of Association, ByLaws, Operating Regulations and Policies of the League. If such action is taken the member/coach/school/team shall be notified by electronic mail.
  2. The suspended member/coach/school/team shall have the right to request a meeting with the Officers of the Executive, within ten days of receipt of notification, to consider their case. 
  3. Upon suspension of membership, all fees for the year are forfeited to MUFLL. Any outstanding fees must be paid before any appeal or reapplication for membership is heard by the Officers of the Executiv

21. Committees:

A. Suspensions and Discipline Committee.

  1. MUFLL will appoint a Suspension Coordinator each playing season. The Suspension Coordinator will confirm all suspensions that occur in MUFLL scheduled regular season and playoff games.
  2. MUFLL will appoint a Discipline Committee each playing season, which will include 3 members. These 3 members will be the Deputy Commissioner (Chair), the Suspension Coordinator and one other member of the Executive Committee. No member of the Executive Committee may sit on the committee if they have a conflict of interest. If necessary, the Commissioner may appoint other members in good standing to the Discipline Committee on an as required basis.
  3. The Discipline Committee will rule on any suspension referred to them. Their authority extends only to MUFLL scheduled regular season and playoff games. The Disciplinary Committee will determine appropriate consequences for an athlete who has been ejected from an MUFLL game. The Disciplinary Committee may exercise the right to fact find through the use of a Hearing, in order to shed more light on the situation if they are unable to reach a decision. Any player given a game misconduct will be reported to the Suspension Coordinator and will not be allowed to compete in any further games until the Discipline Committee rules on an appropriate suspension.
  4. The only exception to this policy is if the player “fouls-out” with the accumulation of 4 minutes in personal penalties.
  5. Should a hearing be necessary and once a player has appeared before a Disciplinary Hearing, he/she is then on probation for a calendar year from the date of the hearing. If there is a second disqualification of the same competitor during the one year probation, the player shall automatically be suspended from any further competition in the League for a twelve month period from the date of a hearing before the Disciplinary Committee for the second offense. The player is required to appear before any scheduled Disciplinary Hearing. Failure to report to a Disciplinary Hearing will result in a suspension for an indefinite period.
  6. At a Disciplinary Hearing, the ejected athlete and his coach(es) or school designate shall appear. The game referees may also attend the hearing when necessary.
  7. The responsibilities of the Chairperson (Deputy Commissioner) shall be to send a written report of the outcome of a Disciplinary Hearing:
    1. To the coach of the disqualified player
    2. to the disqualified player, through his team representative
    3. all team representatives
    4. all members of the Executive.
  8. The responsibilities of the Secretary to organize a Disciplinary Hearing shall be:
    1. to make appointments and inform participants of the date and time
    2. to keep a record of all ejections and decisions
    3. to keep the officials’ reports on file

B. Nominating Committee.

The Nominating Committee, when formed, shall be composed of 2 members selected by the Executive at least one month prior to the AGM. The Nominating Committee shall bring before the AGM a slate of officers for the ensuing year.




Section I

To be completed 1 hour before game time: 

  1. 11 pylons placed at corners, restraining lines, far center line and substitution area 
  2. Nets in place and strung  
  3. Scorer’s table and 6 chairs 
  4. Game clock and 2 - 4 stopwatches 
  5. Game sheet with Home team prepared in advance where possible 
  6. Emergency procedures sheet at scorer’s table 
  7. At least 7 clean field lacrosse game balls 
  8. 2 ball people who will chase balls and keep a number accessible in each end zone
  9. Scorer and Timer(s) who are not team members or staff. Remember that they are officials and should be treated as such


Post game… 

The home team must email the game score and gamesheet, if possible, to the Commissioner by the end of the day on Mondays at the latest. Each team will designate someone responsible to enter the game statistics from each home game into the MUFLL website.


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